Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Baby's first photo shoot

We went in for an ultrasound yesterday. What an incredible experience to see him, his arms, legs, profile, top of his head, beating heart, spine, rib cage, kidneys--the detail was awesome! He was extremely active and stubborn. The technician exclaimed that she couldn't get him to move to the right position for the necessary measurements, yet that was not because he wasn't moving. He was tooling around the womb constantly. She said that most babies are not nearly this active. Of course, this explains why it is always difficult for our doctor to get a fix on the heartbeat for a long enough time to check it against her watch.

Anyway, the baby is healthy and about a week ahead in development, although she said that doesn't change the due date. So I guess we really are having a giant. At least we'll get a goose that lays golden eggs out of the deal, right?

And as anyone can tell from the last photo below, we are having a boy. We've added some labels to help you all out. We couldn't tell at all from looking at it. She had to explain several times what was what. Like those inkblot tests or seeing patterns in a cloud. Sure, now we can see that it's a boy. Or a unicorn.

We are of course thrilled that he looks healthy and normal in the ultrasound, and we are relieved finally to be done with all that pronoun awkwardness. On top of it all, we finally found those car keys we lost last June. Who would have thought?

(Click on an image to link to a larger version of the image if these are too small to see clearly.)

1 comment:

Tom, Emily, Brenna said...

Congratulations on finding those missing wait, congratulations about the boy! He looks great.