Friday, May 15, 2009

Emergency Room Mother's Day 40th Birthday Dance Party Week

Alexander had his first trip to the emergency room last week. (Well, technically not his first trip--Emergency room, parks, climbing). While getting ready for bed, he was jumping around in his room and he slipped on a book, which sent him directly into the hard edge of the portable stereo on the floor. (Darrick described it to the nurse as a boom box, and she had no idea what he was talking about. "You know," he might as well have said. "A phonograph.")

Alex wanted to run around and play, despite the blood gushing from the gash in his left eyebrow. Unfortunately, we had rushed out without putting socks and shoes on him, so we were stuck trying to keep him happy in our arms, in the chair, and on the bed (once they admitted him to the back). After he managed to break this metal bar sticking up from the bed, we tried putting surgical gloves on his feet so he could walk around, but he wasn't pleased with these new socks. Next time (and I hate to admit it, but there will probably be a next time), I'm bringing the camera to the ER.

Because the gash was above the eye, the doctor was going to give Alexander stitches, but he debated using glue, so Darrick took that as an opening. "Are you sure you can't use glue?" He wasn't trying to rush the boy's care. When Darrick was Alex's age, he pulled his stitches out and had to go back in for new ones, and now he was worried that Alexander would do the same. The doctor agreed to the glue.

So Darrick and I held the poor kid down (I felt just awful doing this, thinking he must have felt so betrayed by both of us), and he got the numbing solution, then the glue, and then the tape to help hold it closed.

The injury has had no effect on the kid's energy level or his safety precautions:

(Yes, Rachel. There's that dingo again.)

He was doing fine on Mother's Day, so we all walked up to Bookmans, where we traded some magazines for books for me, a game for Darrick, and a stuffed iguana for Alexander. Thanks to Alex's kids' club membership and Bookmans' Mother's Day discount, we didn't end up paying a cent. We had lunch at the Golden Dragon, then headed home, where we collapsed after walking in the heat (upper 90s, perhaps over 100).

And as if that wasn't enough excitement for one week, the next day, we celebrated Darrick's 40th birthday. In the morning, Alexander and I walked over to Albertson's for cake mix and frosting, and I surprised Darrick by actually baking a cake for him. A real, adult-size devil's food with chocolate fudge frosting bundt cake. And it was good, still moist yesterday, after three days. I'm more surprised by this than he is. Of course, I did forget to take it off the cooling rack before frosting it, and when I tried to move it, I broke it in half, but that was nothing a little extra frosting wouldn't fix.

Alexander insisted on helping blow out the candle, so we relit it several times before Darrick managed to blow it out before the boy.

Then Darrick let Alexander have the candle. Until Alex started using it has a spoon to scoop up more frosting. Nice try, kid.

All the Over the Hill stuff at the party store was so dumb and clichéd that I went with the blinking lips instead. This turned out to be an excellent decision.

The next day, Alexander woke up early to wreak havoc on the play room, then dance among the debris. This is one boy who does not fear the apocalypse.

Please ignore the carpet. When Alex covered himself in Vaseline, he got it all over the carpet, and that just attracted dirt that we can't get out. At least it's just a remnant.


Tom, Emily, Brenna said...

Very nice, I dig the Slideshow thingy off to the right, a sneak preview of the blog, as it were. Great post!

Jenni said...

The best pat of the video is that the dog just sleeps through the whole dance! Nice changes to the blog.

Angie Jackson said...

Ethan and I have gone to the ER enough times now that I have a bag stored in the closet just for that (I know, I know, that sounds awful). In it is a portable DVD player, an old Blues Clues, juice boxes, raisins, graham crackers, diapers, wipes, socks, and extra clothes. Oh and a baby blanket, because it's always so cold in hospitals. Alex is adorable :)

rachel... said...

So much excitement in one blog post!

Firstly, you made a wise decision going with the glue on Alex's eye. Val was his age when she cut her head and had to get 6 stitches. I couldn't even be in the same room to help hold her down and I sobbed just listening to her screams from outside the door! And you're right - you'd think they'd learn and start being super cautious but they don't!

OMG, the dingo! (lmao)

Secondly, it looks like Mother's Day was so much fun and you look great!!!

Nice job on Derrick's cake! I'm impressed! I'm horrible with frosting! And you made another wise decision going with those light-up lips! Those other over-the-hill gags would have been super cheesy.

And also? Alexander is like the best dancer I've ever seen in my life!!! Get him an agent! And that looks eerily similar to my living room, puzzles, carpet stains and all. Except I don't have the vaseline excuse. Just honey, pancake syrup, salsa...

Hope you blog more soon!!!